How can I Help?
Many have expressed interest in coming alongside to share this ministry to others. There are many ways to help! See below for options such as:
The most valuable help of praying for the ministry and for many to be encouraged
Gifting books to bookstore or Bible study groups
Starting a book study in person or online
Reviewing audio messages to suggest podcast features
Sponsor future publications and book gifts

Helping share christ near and far
Send the Word!
From sending a sampler pack to your favourite local bookstore or a church or Bible study group interested in doing a study, your contributions could encourage believers on to know Him more!
Start a study
Do we really know how to pray together? This book has been a great help to start conversations on how we can learn to pray together.
Bible Studies
These books going "Through the Bible with Lance Lambert" and his helpful study guides, are a great way to kick start discussions on the word of God.
Please keep us in Prayer!
How you can pray for us:
01 That the Lord and His Purpose would be made known
Pray that in this service, the Lord would be expressed, glorified and His purpose revealed.
02 For the Church
That the Lord would build His church and that Lance's teachings would be useful for the building up of the Body of Christ.
03 For Israel
That the Lord would bring all of the people of Israel to salvation. Pray also that Lance's sharing on Israel would be helpful for the days we are in.
04 For those Serving
For an anointing and grace to express the Lord in clear and creative ways that would please Him and would express the burden Lance faithfully taught.

Other Ideas or Questions
Please drop us a note! We’d love to hear your suggestions and answer any questions you may have.